


Il faut cultiver notre jardin,” —Voltaire

For those of us who don’t do fancy French, this means:

“We must cultivate our garden,” says Pangloss at the end of Voltaire’s Candide.

No sentiment could be truer for women who write. Stop focusing on the whole wide world. Instead, maintain a space that is your own and encourages the fruits of your labors to blossom.

But the process of growing our garden requires the right tools. Reading this blog and learning how to revise your own stories could help you cultivate your garden, obtain peace of mind, and establish your writing legacy. Happy reading and writing!

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My Hero’s Journey: A Philosopher Mom Takes a Detour
The Hero's Journey Blissom The Hero's Journey Blissom

My Hero’s Journey: A Philosopher Mom Takes a Detour

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”— Lao Tzu

Great advice...

Unless you’re a sleep-deprived mom who’s started a daily hiking regiment with a grubby toddler who sticks her disgusting monkey finger in your ear, causing you to develop a double ear infection that perforates your eardrum and forces your ass on the sofa for three weeks.

That’s how my journey began.

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