Oh, You Hate JournalING, Too?

Burn Your Journal: How to Ignite A Red-Hot Writing Practice

Are you a writer with 22 empty notebooks just begging for content? Maybe you’re ready to craft compelling stories but you struggle to get started. Burn Your Journal is a powerful productivity kick-in-the-pants. Use it to stoke those creative flames and set your words ablaze. Yes, the title is a metaphor! Part memoir, part writing workshop, this innovative and original guide will teach you how to ignite a red-hot writing practice, even if you hate to journal.

How Many Times Have You Heard this Tired, Worn Out WRiting Advice?

You don’t have to journal every day to be a real writer.

You’re not:

  • a failure if you choose not to churn out 2-5 pages of writing every morning

  • lazy if you refuse to aim for an enormous word count

  • doomed if you can’t make journaling stick

It’s time you developed a writing practice that works for you.

Think of the naked page as your sacred alter.

Prepare to Burn Your Journal.